Date/Time Heat Map


The D3 Data Visualizaiation plugin can be used to create an interactive heatmap of our temporal data.

  1. Install D3 Data Visualization by going navigating to Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins> D3 Data Visualization

  1. You should see a new tool in your main tool bar at the top.

  1. Select your points layer and select Hour of Day for your radial lines and Month for your bands.

  2. Save your chart to your Export folder

  1. Open your Export folder and double click your chart. This visualizes our temporal data and we can quickly see the frequency of the data being collected. If we were to query for points that fell within a certain land type classification we can use the data visualization clock to quickly interpret what times of year they are using habitat types. For now, we can see our data is collected at 4hr intervals.

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