Create New Data
Last updated
Last updated
If you want to create points, lines, and polygons, then you can make a new shapefile to store these features:
In your browser panel, navigate to your data
folder for this project.
Right-click on the data, select New ▸ Shapefile
Change the file name to "project_area"
Choose the feature geometry as polygons
Select the encoding type and coordinate reference system.
Click OK
Drag and drop the new layer into your layer list
1. Select, and highlight the project_area
layer in the layer panel.
Right click the layer and select Toggle Editing
. From here, it enables the editing tools.
3. Select add polygon feature. Click on the map canvas and add vertices. Draw a polygon around the GPS points added.
4. To finish geometry, right-click on the map canvas. From here, you can fill in the attributes. If you want to save your edits, click the “Save Layer” button.
Right click on the project_area layer and toggle off editing mode and save.